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ARDOR Literary Magazine seeks original, unpublished Fiction, Nonfiction, Short-Shorts, Poetry & Artwork.  Because we're an electronic publication it's important that the writing you submit hasn't appeared elsewhere (even a personal blog).  If you're unsure about whether or not we'll consider your work please query us (

ARDOR is published three times annually as a free online magazine.  We are temporarily closed to submissions, working to catch up on the submissions presently in queue. We will re-open to submissions at the end of the summer.

Formatting Guidelines

Please submit prose double-spaced, size twelve black font, left alignment.  Please include your last name and page number on each page of the manuscript. Simultaneous/Multiple Submissions Are welcomed.  Please note simultaneous submissions in your cover letter and withdraw your submission immediately if it is accepted elsewhere. 


In May we announced an increase in our contributor pay rates and it is our sincere hope that we will be able to continue to raise our rates.  We currently offer $50 plus publication for Fiction and Nonfiction manuscripts over 1000 words.  For Short-Shorts (and longer poems) we offer $20 plus publication and we pay $15 per poem ($20 minimum per poet).  Payment for artwork is discussed upon acceptance.


By submitting to ARDOR you pledge that your submission is original, unpublished work and that you are the author or artist.  If accepted for publication in ARDOR, ARDOR acquires First north American Serial Rights and First Electronic Rights upon acceptance.  All rights revert to the writer or artist 30 days after publication.  Writer agrees to credit ARDOR if the published work is included in a collection or anthology at a later date.  ARDOR retains the right to feature your work in a "Best of ARDOR" anthology at a later date.  When you submit your work you agree that if your submission is simultaneously under consideration at other publications you will withdraw your submission immediately if it is accepted elsewhere.  Submission Fee is nonrefundable.
We're looking for guest writers to contribute articles to our blog.  Articles should be on a topic of interest to our readers. These topics may include submission advice, writing tips, stories of managing and coping with rejection, book reviews, response to and commentary on work which has been published in ARDOR, etc. 

Writers of our guest blog posts will receive credit as author and we'll include a short third-person bio and a link to your website or social media account at the end of the post.

We regret that at this time we are unable to pay for guest blog posts but we will promote and share your work via social media and in our tri-annual newsletter.

Inquiries can be sent to
ARDOR Literary Magazine